For some considerable time the show was held in the old show grounds at the corner of Malmsbury Road and Knox Street, and later at the grounds known as Middleton Park. The Daylesford Show is now established at Victoria Park and is a traditional rural agricultural show.
Note: Misreporting of the name of the Society and initial use of Association followed by the consistent use of Society.
1864 – Society Established
1 July 1864
Hitherto this part of the country has not possessed an agricultural society, but this want is about to be supplied by the foundation of the Glenlyon, Franklin, and Daylesford Agricultural Association. The area over which it is proposed to extend its operations includes the parishes of Glenlyon, Holcombe, Franklin and Wombat, together with a part of Bourke and Yandoit. The society, we hear, has met with liberal promises of support throughout each of these districts, and there is little doubt that it will have a strong start, the district being generally prosperous and embracing an area little less than twenty miles in diameter. For the present, the duties of hon. treasurer and secretary are in the hands of Mr Josh. Parker of Franklinford.
The Farmer’s Journal and Gardener’s Chronicle (Melbourne). http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article179480263
23 July 1864
The Hepburn, Glenlyon, and Daylesford Agricultural Society has been started, a spot near the Wallaby Creek having been chosen for show yard.
The Star (Ballarat). http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article66346653.
1865 – First Show
17 March 1865
On Friday 17 March 1865 the first show of the Glenlyon, Franklin, and Daylesford Agricultural Society was held in the Jamieson Hotel Yard.
1906/1907 – Name Change
13 October 1906
The agricultural society having its headquarters at Daylesford, and hitherto known as the Glenlyon, Franklin and Daylesford Agricultural Society, has changed its name. It is how called the Daylesford Agricultural Society. Mr Frank Dwyer has been elected president for the ensuing year.
Weekly Times (Melbourne). http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222534367
Present Day – What is the Society’s Name?
Since the name change in 1906 the society’s name has been reported as both Daylesford Agricultural Society and Daylesford and District Agricultural Society.
Daylesford and District Agricultural Society is the name and annually we hold the Daylesford Show, a traditional rural agricultural show.